• Haven5341@feddit.de
    7 months ago

    As long as it is not dryied yet

    The law doesn’t make a distinction between dried or not dried. This is only used for measurement. It only distinguishes between alive and dead.

    Just cook it out for example.

    It’s still a dead cannabis plant.

    This law makes no sense in this regard. Allowing three plants just so you have to destroy two an a half of them.

    And at one point in time you will be in possession of an illegal amount of cannabis. Even if it is for a short period of time. Sure, you probably won’t be caught but it still seems to be illegal according to CanG

    • fr0g@feddit.de
      7 months ago

      The law does make sense, if you put it into practice. In practice the dry weight amounts will probably just be checked on the street. Checking your home will require a warrant which isn’t easy to come by, so they’re not gonna bother about cases where it might be three or four plants or this or that many grams.

    • vapeloki@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Seriously: a plant takes around 8 weeks to bloom, and can stay in that state for another 8 weeks. That is plentiful time to harvest and not all at once. Also, while the first one is blooming you can grow number two.

      As someone who growed stuff at home in the past, it makes perfect sense to me.

      With 3 plants you have always one blooming and two following. Time it correctly and you have a constant flow of supply without ever having more then 50g of dryied products.

      After you are done harvesting, dispose the rest of the plant and be fine. As the stem of cannabis is mostly water, it will not weight anything near 25 g if dryied. If it does, your plants are larger, and I think this may be intentional to limit the amount of products that can be harvested. Over all, while not perfect, the law is much better then many seem to want give credit for.

      I was co author of the largest pro canabis petition ever in Germany, and the author of the anti-alcohol petition (reusing the arguments of the lawmakers why canabis can not be legalized, and just replaced alcohol with canabis). I am fighting for this since 20 years. And this is a huge step forward. Yes, it is limited. But the limit is imposed by the EU and not the German government.