Transcript of Weekly Media Briefing by the Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson. (September 21, 2023)

    1 year ago

    …which is horrific and something I literally talked about plenty in the past week, if you checked my history. I have one of the most indepth takes on that subject, being a socialist from India.

    That does not take away from the fact that Khalistanis literally fucking want a whole Northern state Punjab to become separated and become a country of its own. Nihangs are a very specific part of Sikhism that want this, and often commit terrorism here.

    How would Canada go about it, if India started sheltering Wetsutw’en indigenous people, oppressed by Canada for decades, to the point their children are put in Canadian concentration camps and indoctrinated to this day? Or how about Huawei CEO’s daughter and CFO Meng Wanzhou’s kidnapping and house arrest for 350 days on false charges last year, because USA ordered it? (USA is the same country that got Julian Assange extradited from UK and drugs and tortures him everyday, because he exposed USA warcrimes.)

    Western countries can simply stop sheltering our domestic terrorists instead of encouraging their activities, if they want harmony with us. No Indian besides some Khalistan apologists in Sikh sect supports Khalistanis activities. Also, its not just Canada, but UK and USA also shelter Khalistanis.