I guess one reason why no one is paying attention to it is because is the Wi-Fi speed usually the limiting factor? In my case I’ve rarely ever maxed out my Wi-Fi 6 speeds. Typically the host or the network that I’m on that is the limiting factor.
Although I’m also in the US so I know where not know for having the fastest internet in the world. Maybe in other areas of the world WiFi 7 might be more useful.
It might not be enough. But all of those things you listed take a lot of time and enough people to care about it to get out and do things.
It’s definitely not good enough, but it’s like if you have a giant puncture wound on you leg and no one else is there to help you. You could stuff it with cloth you tore from your shirt or make a makeshift tourniquet and try your best to not bleed out until better help arrives. OR just be like fuck I’m not cut out to deal with this. I’ll just lay here and do nothing.
We do need all of those things! But we don’t have them right now so we just have to try and stop the bleeding until we do.