I don’t think you can. I very gently tried to dissuade a church friend from weaponized disinformation websites by explaining what that was, and he unfriended me and stopped coming to our church and told the pastor we were too liberal. Well we always were so it was just a matter of time before that sunk in, so I don’t imagine anything would have stopped that, but I felt bad. I just didn’t want him getting sucked in to Tucker Carlson because he is a sweet guy and deserves better, but he also seems to have gotten religion because of a psychotic episode so I’m not sure any of this is a good idea for him.
There’s no difference. Holy fuck I’m sorry.
I had a friend who needed a CT head, chest and abdomen. The insurance company decided she could have the head and abdomen, but not the chest, and couldn’t really explain why when asked. American health care is a joke.
We have those nesting here too, and you’re right!
Sadly they discontinued them. But their merch store is generally awesome.
That’s the ones I have!
Can’t because of money. Thanks though.
I was waiting at the train station, and some guy was coming up the elevator and yelled “Aaaaaaah!” in fear when he saw me. Then he came running up to me and asked me if I was his ex, and when I said I was not he asked me if I was sure. Um, yes.
My Welcome To Night Vale leggings!
David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest. It’s just a zillion loose threads of a novel that leads nowhere in particular.
When my SO bought me a present for my fortieth birthday that was something I would never use and clearly was for him (a rare bottle of bourbon), but he pretended it was a shared interest of ours. I don’t hate bourbon or anything but I very seldom drink any, maybe once a year, and I have yet to drink any from that bottle. It was wildly selfish.
Then when I turned 49 I got up that morning, and he asked me snarkily if I would be pretending if I was 39 for the rest of my life as some sort of hilarious joke about vanity. I am not vain at all and I don’t care how old I am, I loved my forties and have enjoyed my fifties so far.
Elon Musk is paying anti-immigration and anti-trans groups like the Tanron network to spread their rhetoric on social media.
Oh wait that one is true. Filthy piece of shit.
I like this one.
Little blue heron. Not so much rare but very rarely seen here.
Potato chips! We have salt and vinnies here too. Not unique to the UK at all.
Ketchup chips.
My store is up to 16 items.
Thriller utterly terrified me as a child.
The fact I won’t be able to retire. I don’t have the money because of financial abuse from my SO. I honestly don’t know what I’ll ever do. People in my city are living in tents in the park and I assume I will have to do that. I’ll have a good pension but it won’t be enough for the cost of living as it is now.
(Please don’t suggest I leave, as kind as you all are, I cannot afford it).