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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月30日

  • I didn’t go cold turkey but made myself stick with Dvorak in mIRC. I was competent with Dvorak within a couple of weeks and then switched everything with actual typing to Dvorak within a month or two while using qwerty for things where I just wanted to type before that.

    At this point (some 20 years later), typing with qwerty takes concentration but Dvorak is so comfortable.

    That was with a qwerty layout keyboard just changing the layout in software and using an image on my 2nd monitor as a guide that I needed for maybe a couple of weeks. I also did drilling with typing games. Programming symbols took the longest to get used to. I still haven’t gotten an actual Dvorak layout keyboard (which does make it easier when I do need to use qwerty).

  • I like that someone figured out half assing things can be just as funny or even funnier than putting in the effort to make it look more professional.

    Now I’m curious about who first bottled that lightning.

    Maybe the makers of Aqua Teen Hunger Force? Half the characters in there seemed like they were making it up as they went and is the earliest one I can think of where that was a common theme.

    Home Movies came later but is the earliest where that’s applied to media produced “in-universe” that I can think of.

    Home Improvement was earlier than both and Tim was often out of his league on his show, but that was more of a “ill prepared but at least trying to be professional” act than “making it up as we go and not even trying to hide it”.

  • Back in the day, when I fired up Mortal Kombat 3 for the snes, I’d usually end up spending more time in the space invaders game than playing MK itself, especially since the consoles kept the tuning intended to keep the quarters coming for the arcade version (first fight would be easy, next fight would be hard, then easy after continue, so it wasn’t just pay to play for the arcade but pay to win).

    I’m curious if I’d remember each of the codes required for the secret menus, one of which contained the mini game. Can’t remember them offhand but it might be different with an snes controller in my hand.

    Actually I think I do remember one of them (or maybe it’s the Konami code, or maybe those two are the same code):

    Up, up, down, down, left, right, A, B, A

    Or maybe it was right then left. Lol I also remember usually needing to try several variations before I’d get each code correct.

  • Reviews say it’s adding a giant QR code to downloaded videos to get people to pay a license fee but I do not see that after downloading something just now. Though tbf, they did update it yesterday and might have removed that because of the feedback they were getting.

    Permissions look reasonable to me, based on my understanding of what they need to do for the functionality, though I suppose there is potential for abuse.

    It requires a companion desktop program for some streams, which did seem sketchy at first but I wasn’t able to find any specific claims of it doing anything undesired, just people who noped out when they saw it wanted them to install something and others who said it does function as desired. Again, hard to say if it does anything in addition to enabling some streams to be downloaded, but I haven’t noticed anything out of place on my PC since installing it either from tool-based scans or manual checks of places where malware can put itself to survive restarts.

    There were also claims that it didn’t work with YouTube in the reviews, but that doesn’t seem to be the case for me, since it does light up. Though maybe that was timing-based, too, where Google briefly managed to block it only for them to adjust.

    So I haven’t seen any of those issues but YMMV. I’m going to keep using it but will also keep an eye on it. Either way, thanks for letting me know.

  • Also you can just block elements you right click on in Firefox (though this might be an option added by an add-on). If there’s hidden elements you just need to go through each of those until you can click on the one you want directly (and you can tell by what is highlighted in the inspect element mode).

    You can also hit delete in inspect element mode to remove that element. You can also edit whatever you want in the element. Makes me wish it existed back when I was doing more web dev work, would have made things a lot easier when debugging.

  • Maybe also an evolved strain of the pandemic h1n1 virus. And more evolved versions of other viruses, too. That covid will be more evolved than the original pandemic strain, also. It’ll have the transmission increases and immunity avoidance while in the novel virus stage, so going back to warn about covid could instead make it happen earlier and much worse (instead of just earlier). Plus all the other pandemics on top of that, and in a time that is much less ready to pivot office work to wfh.

  • Yeah no worries and agreed. I hate seeing commercial sites using worse password sanitization practices than I used for my first development website that wasn’t even really intended for anyone else to log in to and any max length suggests the password is either stored or processed in plaintext.

    IMO it should even be hashed on the client side before being sent so that it doesn’t show up as plaintext in any http requests or logs. Then salted and hashed again server side before being stored (or checked for login).