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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Yes the same goes for human, you can create manufacture food checking all the marks that you believe is needed. But ignoring the fact that human evolve over thousands of years to eat food that biologically manufacture. The nuance of diet is still studied to this day and suggestion something out of norm for an animal that cannot comprehend what is happening should be consider abuse. You dont own a pet, you take care of one…

    Update: this also not limited to forcing cat to eat vegan food. Animal abuse include inhumane slaughter houses, and feeding your pet unhealthy diet, fat cats for example is also abuse.

  • Authoritian regimes doesnt need to pretend. If they find out you are a risk they don’t need to gather evidence to get you in prison, so they don’t need to pretend they care about censoring the internet for the wrong reasons.

    The issue here is the west want to do the same but need a valid justification. Instead of work to stop the actual abuse in the first place they want access to the only way for many people to share information safely.

    You could be technically letrate and find your way around all the restrictions, but many people are not and they need access to secure communication channels to arrange there activism.

    The fact we don’t see backlash against twitter, Facebook, Google, and Apple tells alot about what is this about.

    The fact we are seeing more support for “consent” for kids, and the fact that there were many major cases such as Epstein and Maxwell which has been obscured or even hidden when it comes to major profilic people says alot about their intent.

  • "Meanwhile, NVIDIA continued matching donations to U.S. and Israeli groups that are building on West Bank settlements recognized by the UN as illegal under international law, as well as providing material support to the IDF and volunteer settler militias. Motherboard viewed live pages for these organizations on NVIDIA’s charity portal. "

    This is fucked up even on the ground of increasing cost of living. While employees struggle to cover expenses, companies donate money for illegal housing on Palestinians lands in the west bank.

    These companies that works on “settlement” do not need to be charitable organization in the first place. This is beyond fucked up…