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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I think what qualifies as “large” really depends on the space you’re putting it in, what you’re used to, and how old you are.

    When I was a kid, unless you were rich, there’s a good chance the TV in your living room was a CRT in the 30-40-ish inch range. I bought myself a 50" TV for my room when I was 18 with money I saved from my first job as one of my first big purchases for myself,and with the bezels at the time it was probably closer to a modern 55 or 60 inch tv in overall size. That thing seemed huge to me, especially given how small my bedroom was, even though it’s probably pretty standard these days.

    So to me, 50" is kind of the benchmark for where I start calling a TV “big” even though I have a 70inch in my home now, and if I were filthy rich I could have one that’s over 100" now.

  • It was good enough for the ancient Greeks

    Probably boost viewership a good bit

    More environmentally friendly, no micro plastics from the synthetic fabrics

    Avoids the inevitable arguments about which teams uniforms are too revealing or look stupid or whatever

    One less expense for the smaller/less well-funded teams to worry about, and harder to argue that one team has an advantage because they have better equipment

    Probably would scare away some of the prudish religious assholes, good riddance.

    Sucks to be you if you play a winter sport though.

  • 2010s into the early 20s had a bit of a folksy thing going for a while with Mumford and sons and some other similar bands, the sea shanty kick a lot of people went on during covid, etc.

    Dubstep also happened somewhere around the 2000s-2010s

    Early 2000s had some people people were still surfing 3rd wave ska

    This is probably just the circles I’ve been in but folk metal feels like it’s been going pretty strong for the last 10 years or so

    I also think country has been having a weird moment since around 2000 or so, some of it good, most of it not.

    Vaporwave came into existence somewhere and I feel like that’s just been kind of hanging around in the background present but largely unnoticed which I think is kind of the point

    Not necessarily a genre onto its own, but mashups, remixes, covers, etc. I think have kind of become a surprisingly huge thing.

  • I’m not sure why, but a lot of people seem to have a really hard time looking up information about stuff from the Bible. I remember probably about a year ago not too long after I first joined Lemmy commenting on a thread from some guy whose sister fell into some fundamentalist Christian flat earther bullshit and he was trying to figure out where she got her info from and said that he couldn’t find anything about “the firmament”

    It’s on like the first page of the Bible. And just googling “firmament” will get you plenty of good sources about the firmament and what it’s supposed to be.

  • I’m not too sure where I first picked up the idea, for some reason I think it may have been one of the videos on the Useful Charts YouTube channel, but in general it all kind of fits together to me, and I of course kind of put my own little bit of spin into it myself. Unfortunately I don’t have exact sources to cite directly to where I first heard this theory put together.

    For starters you can go to the Bible itself with Mathew 27:16-17

    16 At that time they had a well-known prisoner whose name was Jesus Barabbas. 17 So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Messiah?”

    I misspoke in my earlier comment, and I edited it accordingly, the language would have been Aramaic, which is what most scholars agree is the language Jesus mostly spoke, although it is a pretty closely related language to Hebrew. I speak neither Hebrew nor Aramaic so I kind of just have to take it on faith that some of the people I’ve seen discussing this online have some idea what they’re talking about. You can kind of piece it together from some common bits of Hebrew “bar mitzvah” literally translates to something like “son of the commandments” and I believe in modern Hebrew, the word for father in “av” with “aba” being commonly used in some places/cultures.

    There’s also some that would say it comes from “bar rabban” (may be misspelling that) meaning “son of the teacher” instead of father, which you can compare to “Rabbi”

    This comes from an era when people didn’t really have official last names, depending on who you asked, Jesus could have been known by quite a few different names, Jesus the carpenter, Jesus son of Joseph/mary, the son of God, the teacher, the guy from Nazareth, the religious weirdo, the insurrectionist, of the house of David, etc.

    I believe in modern Hebrew “ben” is more often used as the “son of” prefix. And those sort of patronymic names are pretty common in semitic languages, in Arabic you’ve probably heard a few people with “bin” in their name. It’s basically the same idea as Irish/Scottish names that begin with mc/Mac/O’, or names that end in “son”

    As for Barabbas having been involved in an insurrection, going back to the bible we have Mark 15:7

    A man called Barabbas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising.

    Israel experienced more than a few different Jewish uprisings/revolts/riots/insurrections/whatever name you wanted to call it. They weren’t exactly happy to be under Roman rule, and there were always a bunch of different political or religious movements trying to do something about it and usually not having much success. It’s not unlikely that Jesus is sort of a composite of several different folks making trouble for the Romans.

    I’m no scholar, my knowledge on this doesn’t really go a whole lot deeper than what I’ve said here, and I can’t say how widespread this particular little conspiracy theory is in academic circles, I won’t say that I’m totally sold on it myself, I’m very open to someone else saying differently, but it’s something to consider, and it looks like a hell of a coincidence to just be a coincidence to me

  • One of the interesting things that sticks out to me personally that lends credence to the idea that the Bible is just kind of a bunch of half-remembered stories all mashed together is Barabbas- the guy that Pontius Pilate supposedly pardoned instead of Jesus.

    In some versions, Barabbas is given the first name “Jesus”

    And “Barabbas” could potentially come from “bar abba” in Hebrew Aramaic (although Hebrew “ben av” or “ben aba” is not far off) meaning “son of the father”

    He was imprisoned and sentenced to execution due to taking part in an insurrection against the Roman empire.

    The two characters- “Jesus, son of the father, and sentenced to death for sedition” and “Jesus, son of God, sentenced to die for claiming to be king of the Jews” sound a hell of a lot like they’re referring to the same dude to me.

    That’s either one of the biggest coincidences in all of history, or someone heard two different versions of the same story and mashed them together.

    Or maybe it’s just sort of a 1st century version of the saying that “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom-fighter.”

  • I remember seeing a post on Reddit from some vacuum repair guy and the overall takeaway I’m pretty sure was get a miele

    I don’t have strong opinions on vacuums in general, we don’t have much carpet in our house, I have a roborock s7 on our first floor to clean and mop, but that’s all tile and hardwood and an s6 that runs in our basement that is the thinnest cheapest carpet known to man. For our second floor and stairs, we have a shark lift away. It seems to work well enough, I like it being cordless, and the lift away setup is nice for the stairs. Had it for a couple years now and we’ve been happy so far. If you have a bigger house or more carpet than we do though, the batter life way disappoint you.

  • Looking down on clouds is a pretty surreal experience

    I once went on a backpacking trip, our itinerary had us camping near the top of a mountain, just a little shy of 12,000ft and we knew there would be no potable water at the top, so we had our hot meal for the day at lunch since freeze dried backpacking food needs water, so we could refill and get through the next day.

    As we’re making our way up the mountain, a thick fog rolls in. By the time we get to camp, we’re all pretty miserable, we’re tired and starting to feel the altitude a little, everything is cold and damp, we have a dinner of jerky and trail mix and such, we set up our tents and go the fuck to sleep.

    The next day we wake up, the fog has gone, and it’s a beautiful day. We make our way to the top of the mountain and look down at the valley below and we see a cloud.

    It then dawned on us that the fog the night before wasn’t just fog, it was a cloud we hiked through and set up camp in.

    The next time a mattress salesman tries to give you the “it’s like sleeping on a cloud” line, fucking run, clouds suck.

  • Clinically, no.

    Do I have occasional feelings of sadness, anxiety, ennui, helplessness, despair, lack of motivation, etc, and do bad things happen in my life?

    Yes, absolutely, that’s a part of being human.

    Am I happy?

    Well that’s a more complicated question than it may seem.

    Am I totally satisfied with every aspect of my life and the world around me as it is now and where it seems to be going?

    No, not by a longshot.

    Is my situation “good enough” for now, does it seem like things will improve for me, do my good days outnumber the bad, am I overall enjoying life and looking forward to hopefully many more years of it, am I able to spend time with people I love, in places I want to be, doing things I like and want to do?

    Overall, yes. Not that there isn’t plenty of room for things to improve for me and lots of things that I would change if I could but I can’t, but I’m getting enough of the things I want out of life that I can say that overall I’m happy.

  • Yeah I think the way a lot of chairs are constructed is just a bad use case for glue. Like you said, chairs are under a lot of stress (tension, compression, shear, cleavage, peel- glue can handle some of these well and others not,) there’s a lot of weird ways you can put leverage on the joints, people don’t tend to sit perfectly still so those loads are dynamic and always shifting a bit, and to make it worse they kind of have to be designed to be somewhat lightweight, easy to move around, small enough to fit under a table, etc so there’s always some compromises made and they’re never as overbuilt as they probably should be.

    Different kind of construction, but I work in a 911 dispatch center, we have some ridiculously overbuilt chairs that are supposed to be rated for someone to be occupying them 24/7. They cost a ridiculous amount of money and they’re still breaking in new and spectacular ways almost constantly. It’s tough to build a good chair.

    There’s also of course issues that can arise from bad surface prep, poor fitment, improper clamping, too little glue, not letting it dry long enough too high/low temperature/humidity/moisture, the wood shrinking/expanding, poorly thought-out joints that don’t have enough surface area or are putting the glue under the wrong kind of stresses, and of course sometimes you’re asking the glue to do something it doesn’t do well, it’s good at gluing wood to wood, but not nearly as good at gluing paint to paint or varnish to varnish.

  • That is usually what I go with, because I normally only keep one bottle of wood glue around and it covers pretty much any use case I could ever have for wood glue being waterproof, safe for indirect food contact, etc.

    But honestly, for general gluing furniture together and such, even the cheapest no-name brands of wood glue have always done just fine. Pretty much any wood glue out there is stronger than any wood you’re likely getting the be gluing (inb4 some carpentry nerd chimes in with some rare wood that only grows in New Zealand or something that is stronger than steel or something)

  • And the book wasn’t living up to the original radio series

    Mostly kidding on that

    I agree that I like the book better, initially I disliked the movie, but I’ve come around on it, some things from the radio series were changed for the book, and so it just kind of feels right they’d further change things for the movie. Playing a little fast and loose with it feels very in the Douglass Adams spirit to me.