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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Boycott bisexualphobic anti-abortion “fundamentalist Christian” people and states such as tennessee since 2006 because they say anyone who disagrees should be jailed by central nassau guidance, etc. and will go to “hell.” Current oklahoma lawsuit government money being spent on their school.

    It’s easy to convert when you already believe at least one Quran chapter at age 18 due to frauds pursuing you with evil illegal motives. extremists such as the most conservative zionists like my late grandfather said you must worship 100% of the religion and not change anything for thousands of years. As corrupt connecticut said 10 years ago, “Syncretism” combines multiple faiths.

    I don’t ask women to pray or go to Mosque and reject when they try to convert me including to other sects. There are 4 billion females and you shouldn’t deny reality to appease a zealot who will always be incompatible.

  • long island jewish northwell 23 hospital monopoly chemically tortured me October 2005 for being bisexual, 2013 and 2014 banned Quran, July 2019 “Muslims, Blacks are a delusion,” May 24, 2020 liquid poison and religious interrogation for questioning overdose death of African American; has admitted stalker gang member employees; 9/5/2022 perjured 10 times rather than listen to my Advance Directive or history, 9/26/22 11 AM doctor and staff pushed me for no reason while hands in the air; contempt of court overdosing for 2 months ending with will “destroy your ambition” to marry a foreigner.

  • October 2005 asked out repeatedly by gay programmer. Matthew Shepard, James Byrd Swatter hate crime poisoned to 350 pounds by northwell monopoly employee mother, republican father. Since converting to moderate Islam August 2013 car kidnapped, threatened by knife, 2016-2019 abilify in food, trespassed against 4th Amendment and Fair Housing Act.

    September 1, 2022 my ex’s not a Muslim general ordered civilized “revenge” for 5 genocidal murders paid by uncle sam. parents stole passport, said they’re both mafia and I’m somehow in a gang for exercising alone. Then he locked my dog and false police reported with no probable cause investigation of danger to self or others. Eyes spasming, gained 30 lbs.