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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I mean technically, since we don’t exist in a deterministic universe, we don’t have a predetermined fate either, the concept of destiny or fate is a cope by itself. It’s debatable that free will exists either. Perhaps neither fate nor free will exists, and everything is just a roll of the quantum die… Hopefully it’s a D20.

    Also maybe there’s some concept currently beyond human comprehension that makes it so that a probabilistic universe, deterministic universe and free will can paradoxically work all together.

  • I don’t think it’s realistic or pragmatic to expect a perfect direct democracy system. Trying to get as close to one as feasibly possible can be a goal though, and once we’re at that point, try to continually and slowly improve that direct democracy system until it’s even closer and closer and closer, ad infinitum.

  • Hmmm, I would keep an open mind though. It’s not like these oil companies are dumb. They know that their reputation is bad. Slip a few million into the pockets of their enemies and “leak” information that they “the big baddies” are funding these seemingly unlikeable people, and that would likely slowly damage their reputation beyond repair. Although that may just be some light conspiracism on my part.

    Edit Addendum: I do think that whatever actions that just stop oil has done are ultimately harmless to whatever object they “”“”“vandalize”“”“”. Their actions are very good at getting public attention on climate change, and maybe even boosting donations to less radical climate activist groups.

  • Nah they definitely still do. But reading stuff takes time, and many people in the US just don’t have that time to dedicate. So many people have to work long ass hours, and then they come back home and do you think they want to read? If they have a family or have a significant other, I think it far more likely that they would think it’s the best usage of their time to spend time with them, and in alot of ways it is. Lack of leisure time is the problem.

  • That’s the thing, I think they’re all just regular people with more radical views on politics. I feel as if this recent fad of “dead internet theory” which posits the majority of the net is filled with bots, is really an attempts by certain groups to dismiss certain online communities/dismiss the idea that these communities are indicative of some sort of wider trend within society, which is really what I think is an attempts to gain control of what is seen as consensus reality online, dehumanize the other side, and justify the suppression/repression of certain ideas, opinions, and groups.