• 13 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • THIS is your big “You won’t believe what happened to me…” story???


    When I was 14, I took the power cord for the original PS1 and shaved the rubber off the end until metal prongs were sticking out. Then I noticed if the outlet end was plugged in, and you touched the metal prongs on the other end, you couldn’t drop it. It would electricute you, but it would also stick to your skin for 5-10 seconds as it electricuted you.

    So being a 14 year old male, I did the only logical thing. I put it on my penis.

    It was quite shocking!

  • If “TomHanks” is his username on every other service, like twitter, and youtube, and tiktok, and instagram, then he would want to use it when he comes to the fediverse. Now, if only ONE person can have the username TomHanks (and it just so happens to be @Lemmy.World), then he could send a cease and disist letter, and if that doesn’t work, a lawsuit. Madonna did it in the 90s with Madonna.com.

    However, if [email protected] can exist, and [email protected] can exist, and [email protected] can exist and…and…and…then it gets a little impossible for him to really own that username, because it can be duplicated on an infinate amount of instances, some that may not even exist when he shows up to the fediverse.

    But if only one instance can have TomHanks, than he could absolutely show courts he’s had a vested interest and usership of that identity and thus that’s HIS username. Even on services he’s never signed up for. Like if he doesn’t have an instagram account at all, but someone else starts using TomHanks on instagram, he can take it to the courts that they are not allowed to do that, because that’s his username.

    But the way the fediverse is currently set up right now, that’s not feasible. Because he could enter a court battle with [email protected], and then 5 more instances with his username popup. And eventually it becomes harder and harder to prove that people know his ownership of that username if there’s 500 other people also using the same username. It’s the reason you can’t email celebrities. They can’t control their presence in email, so they don’t use that as their identity.

  • I mean sure…but essentially you’re using the facts as they stand as justification that it will never work, when my whole point is that these facts as they stand need to change because they will never work unless we change them.

    People keep using email, and domains as reasons for why it’s not an issue, but there’s a reason celebrities aren’t known for their email. You can tweet at celebrities, and you can follow celebrities on instagram, and all the other services, but you generally can’t email them.

    Now, the reason for this is that celebrity wants to own the exact spelling and exact letter/number combination that they’re known for. I like to try to make things relatable to the person that I’m talking to, but let’s face it, abff08f4813c is a really really bad username for branding purposes. But, be that as it may, IF you were a celebrity, and everybody knew abff08f4813c on instagram, and everybody knew abff08f4813c on twitter, then if you were to come to the fediverse, you wouldn’t want a second abff08f4813c to exist. You would want to own “abff08f4813c” on every platform, even if you’re not on that platform. Even if you don’t use tiktok, you would want to make sure nobody else has the name abff08f4813c on tiktok.

    The problem is, the fediverse is so fractured that’s not really logistically possible. Because if you try to sue one person on one other instance that has abff08f4813c, now suddenly 300 more abff08f4813c on 300 different instances all pop up.

    What I’m suggesting is, no matter which instance you’re on, if you search abff08f4813c, the search should find that username, and direct you to the profile that corrilates with you. And even though that profile is only on one instance, it would make it so if I tried to make abff08f4813c, on another instance, I would be told that username is already taken.

    From there, you could absolutely create an old twitter style verification system. And NOW celebrities will be more willing to use the fediverse. But until that changes, I don’t see any celebrity who values their own brand on an international scale, be willing to publically announce they are on the fediverse, and their fans can migrate to the fediverse to follow them.

  • And he keeps losing. That’s my point. If he were dead, they might find someone who would/could actually win. Because let’s face it, Harris isn’t exactly everybodies first choice. She was kind of the only thing left once it became blatantly clear that Biden wasn’t going to be the 2024 nominee.

    So, if trump is alive, trump runs, democrats win. That makes trump more useful alive than dead.

    But I don’t think putin/GOP would be stupid enough to run him a 4th time.

  • I’m at a point where I think he’s more useful alive than dead. I feel like he’s ALREADY going to lose 2024. I’m a little baffled that it’s even a close race at all, but I’m still confident that between the debate, and the Taylor Swift endorsement he’s dug his own grave. And with that, it means he lost 2020 election, and the 2024 election. Would the GOP really endorse a 2X loser in 2028?

    I think him being alive forces them to support their own self made loser. And now even fox news is calling him a loser.

    He likes to say things like “they’re laughing at us!”

    No. They’re laughing at YOU trump. You are a laughing stock. Not the country. Not the democrats. Not anybody else but you. You are a loser, soon to be a two time loser, with two impeachments and 34 convictions. Nobody in American history loses bigger than you donald trump.

  • Right after his first assasination, there was a thread where someone said “If that happened to someone else, they’d probably have PTSD”.

    And I said “What makes you think he DOESN’T have PTSD after a bullet that was 100% intentionally fired at him, with the intention to kill him, narrowly missed because he just so happened to turn his head inches away from the path by total accident?”

    The general consensus was that trump can’t have ptsd because he’s a bad person who ruins others lives.

    And thats total bullshit. Not the part about him being a bad person, and ruining others lives. Thats still true. He IS a piece of shit who seperated families from their children, leaving them to bake, and sometimes die in metal boxes without water.

    The part thats bullshit is the idea that bad people can’t get ptsd because they’re bad people. I fully believe trump had/has ptsd, and this will only reignite it further.

    I hope he doesn’t become president. Harris is the best case scenario in every case except one. I fully believe that if trump becomes president, he’s going to make a much harder push for gun reform simply because for him personally it’s literally a life or death situation.

    If he becomes president, I would not be surprised if he tries to end gun ownership being legal.

    That being said, I don’t expect that plan to come to fruition. I fully expect it to fail because it would be a legal and logistical nightmare. But my point is on this one issue he would actually try. Whereas it’s not going to be a major issue for Harris.

    Harris will have many issues she’s trying to address, while trump, once again, will only thinking of himself. It just so happens that his one issue just so happens to benefit everyone. Not by design, but as a biproduct.

    That being said, it’s FAR more important for Harris to win. Many issues are more important than one.

  • I just found out that right after that 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the trump administration banned on a federal level this accessory that allows semi-automatic weapons to fire faster. Then THIS YEAR that ban was reversed. So, I guess my point is that we would like life to be more of a black and white complexity on issues (or, red and blue as it were), but often times it’s not that simple. Sometimes the people you think are here to protect your views are the ones attacking them.

    I’m sure from republican point of view they probably felt betrayed that a republican administration pushed for a (small) form of gun reform. And I know that I feel betrayed that a democrat administration pushed to repeal that ban.

    But sometimes it’s two hands of opposing sides coming together to give everybody the middle finger.