Do we know if this is going to be implemented per device or it’s done via geolocation or something? I skimmed the article, didn’t seem to say besides “don’t get excited if you’re outside of Europe” or something to that effect. Basically wondering if this benefit can be gained in the future by importing a phone.
My dislike of Apple is… decades old. But Google sucks too. I need to dig into how Apple treats privacy (someone mentioned that it might not be great on another of these posts) and see how the software ecosystem outside of the Apple store shakes out. I’m hopefully several years out from needing a phone replacement, so I can wait and see how it goes.
Obsfucation can help stimey scripts. I saw using a non-standard port mentioned.
You can also setup a reverse proxy to deliver a different, empty site to a different dns entry by default. Use either a completely separate (as opposed to multidomain) cert for each, or a wildcard cert.
Jellyfin also supports using a custom path, instead of delivering at the root. Your reverse proxy would need to be configured accordingly.