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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • I think they’re talking about “justified” madness. Realistic madness is just seeing things that aren’t there, or reacting extremely to mundane stimuli, but if you had somehow been given comprehension of some higher truth about the world that nobody else would ever believe, the actions you take as a result of that knowledge might seem crazy to those around you, even if they’re perfectly logical from your enlightened perspective.

  • Eh, I can understand your outlook when it’s something done specifically to post it to the internet, like when people film themselves giving money to the homeless, but the guy pretty clearly looks happy to have his pistachios; I’d imagine the story is real, and this guy just wanted to share it, even if there was a less altruistic undertone of getting positive attention online.

    And at the end of the day, there’s a net good to doing things like giving people gifts and giving homeless people some money to help them out, even if done entirely for the sake of internet popularity. I like to focus more on whether the person being helped is thankful for it, and if they are, I just focus on that rather than the guy trying to make himself look good for doing it.

  • Signtist@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldConsistency
    1 month ago

    Reporting them for being toxic a dozen times has done jackshit, mods themselves agreeing with everything I’m saying here hasn’t either.

    This is more the behavior I was talking about. You can’t force the mods to do anything, all you can do is try, and continue to do so even as it continues to yield no meaningful results. Just like those pointing out the tragedy happening in Gaza understand their incessant posting isn’t likely to change anything besides building solidarity with those who are suffering. But again, when people agree with the message behind a post, they aren’t going to join you in brigading against the person posting it, even if he may be posting it for unscrupulous reasons.

    At the end of the day this post didn’t get anyone to vote for Trump, but it got people to think about Gaza just a little bit more, which is a good thing. If you want people to add their voices to yours crying out for OP’s ban, you need to draw attention to it in places where they actually did something people will get upset about.

  • Signtist@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldConsistency
    1 month ago

    Reject bad behavior when you see it. That’s all you can do. In the same way that we need to draw attention to the holocaust over and over even though we know it likely won’t stop it, we need to point out bad behavior over and over again even if it doesn’t stop it. But don’t point out bad behavior when there’s none to be seen - that just weakens your argument.

  • Signtist@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldConsistency
    1 month ago

    It’s not an extreme obsession to think every day about an ongoing genocide. In fact, any less is unwarranted apathy. OP’s other traits are less benevolent, but they aren’t showcasing them here, so, again, they’re irrelevant. If OP had mentioned even once that someone should vote for Trump in this thread, I’d agree with you, but you’re the only one bringing it up here, so in this case, you’re the problem.

  • Signtist@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldConsistency
    1 month ago

    I’m not ignoring it, it just doesn’t make any sense to be annoyed that someone keeps bringing up the fact that people are dying every day for an unjust cause. It’s why I accused you of wanting to ignore it - because that’s the type of person that benefits from less reminders of the ongoing murders.

  • Signtist@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldConsistency
    1 month ago

    A post is separate from the user who posted it. This post is meant to point out the tragedy going on in Gaza. It doesn’t matter if OP was the one who posted it, or anyone else. Hell, it’s a clip from Twitter anyway; the words aren’t OP’s in any way - they’re just sharing them.

    My point is that if you want to get mad at someone’s negative traits, that’s fine, but this post in this context isn’t negative. Your original complaint wasn’t about OP’s ragebaiting, or their habit of calling people Nazis for disagreeing with them, it was about their incessant posting about the ongoing genocide at Gaza, which - again - isn’t a bad thing.

    Everyone has good sides and bad sides, and you chose to complain about OP’s good side, then attempted to justify your complaints by pointing out the fact that they have a bad side, which isn’t showcased here, and is thus irrelevant.

  • Signtist@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldConsistency
    1 month ago

    I never once accused you of being a Nazi, nor did I allude to doing so. What I did accuse you of was being just like the German citizens during Nazi Germany, who closed their eyes and plugged their ears while their fellow human beings were being slaughtered.

    You can admit to not having the power to stop a holocaust, but don’t you dare think that you deserve the luxury of ignoring it. It needs to be on everyone’s minds every day, if for no other reason than to be thankful that they were fortunate enough to not have been born into the group of people being arbitrarily culled.

    The only reason you’re not being murdered - wondering why nobody helped, nobody cared - is because you aren’t among that group. The least you can do is continue to keep it in your mind while it’s still happening.

  • Signtist@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldConsistency
    1 month ago

    Posting as much as you can about something that everyone needs to be acutely aware of, regardless of how “icky” it makes them feel is absolutely something to be lauded. I admit that I didn’t know the other stuff about OP, but the fact of the matter is that you didn’t complain about ragebaiting on a ragebaiting post, you complained about someone talking too much about an ongoing holocaust on a post that specifically focuses on the ongoing holocaust. If you want to complain about the other less-exemplary facets of this user, feel free to do so on a post that isn’t pointedly focusing on the - and I repeat - ongoing holocaust.

  • Signtist@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldConsistency
    1 month ago

    Think of how much people talk about 9/11, then realize that well over 10 times as many people have been murdered so far in Gaza. OP is doing everything they can to draw awareness to a tragedy - that’s a good thing.

    Imagine if people had been more willing to call out the terrible practices of Nazi Germany, instead of just keeping their heads down and trying to convince themselves that it’s someone else’s problem that they have no need to concern themselves over.

  • For me it was when I was around 8 or 9 and met someone from Kenya. They could speak perfect English, wore normal clothes, and talked about having electricity. I’d literally never been told that those things existed in Africa - every reference to that continent only talked about tribes and jungles, save for Egypt which only talked about ruins and deserts. I asked around and found that most of the rest of the world has the same stuff we have, and most countries have a functioning government. I was so confused - why were we the country of freedom when everyone else has the same thing?

    At the time I just assumed that there was something I was missing, or maybe the rest of the world just caught up to our idea, but eventually I came to the conclusion that they tell us we’re the country of freedom - and keep our studies of other countries to a minimum when we’re young - so that we can internalize the rhetoric that our country is the best before we find out that most other countries about the same, and often better in certain ways.