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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • The problem IS the centralized authority. Can you forever trust a government to not artificially inflate or deflate the value of a currency? The whole point was to have a system with no single authority. No single point of failure.

    It is, however, not perfect. The volatility, limited number of transacrions per second , and reliance on an incredible amount of energy expense were the largest of these when the original bitcoin concept was created. Some of these issues have solutions, but its still an evolving technology.

  • I mean… kinda? If i do the math in my head… if there is a 1 in a million chance every day for something to happen. It seems like it wont happen.

    But a million days is just about 2,700 years. The human race has been around maybe 100 thousand? Its a bunch of probabilities stacked on top of each other, in a way that reminds me alot of the Fermi paradox.

    And we keep inventing new ways to do it and making the current ways easier. There are also plenty of non self inflicted ways it could happen. Commet or meteor, gamma ray bust, supervolcano, etc.

    It really isnt a question of if, but when. Before or after we become interplanetary or better intersolar-system species. My hope at this point is just not in my lifetime.

  • I read it in school, but honestly did not find it to be all that special. Its a good book, but its message was pretty simple and i think modern audiences would agree with the premise immediately.

    I found “The Catcher in the Rye” to be the most thought-provoking of high schools books. However, i dont think it really would improve society if more people read it.

    If i could think of a book everyone should read to improve humanity, it would have to be something akin to either statistics for dummies, moral philosophy for dummies, or wealth management for dummies.