Migrating to the EU is not no, but due process is. Having items seized (in the way the article also describes) would qualify as an abuse of power.
Migrating to the EU is not no, but due process is. Having items seized (in the way the article also describes) would qualify as an abuse of power.
It’s eye witness testimony (according to article) so technically good journalistic practice to quote rather than state. Elsewhere it talks about beatings, for which the journalists could see the wounds, so no quotations are used. If the i had evidence of gunshots (I.e. footage, bullet wounds) I suspect they would state rather than quote.
I get that it seems awfully calous to cast doubt on the words of the vulnerable, but the fact remains there are those who mask lies behind a veneer of vulnerablility, it’s best practice for a reason.
I mean I’ve got things to say:
Like don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to have recieved a state education, it’s a jolly good thing, but let’s not oversell it.
My (UK based, but owned by German parent) company sent out an Email denouncing the AfD.
Honestly felt quite surreal, my employer telling me not to give in to hate, bigotry and German nationalism.
Viel Glück, meine deutschen Freunde!
The news of KSP 2’s death has got me playing KSP [1] for the first time in years. It’s still abyssmally optimised, but nonetheless fun as ever!