Appreciate and upvote every reply to my comments/posts if I can detect any effort being put into it; even if I think you completely missed what I tried to say or strongly disagree with your opinion.

Occasionally I cannot resist shitposting, hyperbolic, ironic, sarcastic or populist rhetoric; no /s

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


    • uppers and downers (at the same time, experiment what works, but NO alcohol that just makes you stupid)

    • walking (!)

    • stream of consciousness writing (NOT diary writing!)

    • focus on the process, not the result

    • authism is not an excuse, Văn Gogh had it worse than you, yet still managed to do stuff

    • messes birth miracles and sometimes works of genius. don’t disregard your messes!

    • don’t be too self critical. some people get fucking famous without ever having an original idea or talent or even working hard. Just two days ago I tried to read serotonin by houellebecq, and HOLY SHIT, here I am full of self doubt about every sentence and thought, tormented with the knowledge that I have nothing to say… and this piece of shit gets called a star and genius for his literally unreadable trash??

    • If it really doesn’t work maybe fuck it. I overcame my worst writers block by learning how to play guitar