Used to be [email protected]. Moved for various reasons, mainly server load.

Wannabe streamer, here for all your mediocre gaming needs.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • This is, again, an atypical use-case. Despite that, it’s not hard to find the answers. Googling for “Linux Japanese keyboard layout” comes up with an easy-to-follow guide in the first 5 search results, literally on the Ubuntu forums. Understand I’m not saying the use case is particularly RARE, but it’s not the norm either. And honestly, Snap sucks anyway. 😂

    It could certainly be better supported and better documented, but you’re looking through the lens of your specific experience, not realizing your experience is not that of the every day, average PC user.

    Put up a dart board of the most widely used KDE distributions and throw a dart. You’ve got a KDE distro that actually meets the needs of a non-technical user. Kubuntu, Linux Mint’s KDE edition, Fedora, OpenSUSE, hell throw Manjaro with KDE on. The desktop environment has zero bearing on a distro’s ability to act like a computer, it’s only the paint on the walls. If a distro “fits the needs of a non-technical user” by your definition with, say, GNOME or Cinnamon or XFCE or Budgie or whatever else, it’ll do it with KDE too. Desktop environment != distribution.

  • Lol! I’m fine with GIMP, actually. As a matter of fact, I prefer it to Photoshop. That’s likely due to GIMP being my first introduction to photo manipulation though, and so I’m used to its paradigm.

    Photo EDITING, though? There’s no competition on Linux for the likes of Lightroom or Capture One Pro (my preferred RAW editing software). I gave up photography for a while because I hated editing my photos on Linux so much. I tried EVERY alternative Linux had to offer, and they all suck. Eventually, I started carrying around a USB-C SD card reader and just transferring photos of my camera to my phone to edit them in Snapseed of all things, I hated editing on Linux so much.

  • I’d argue that for the vast majority of users, a stable, modern Linux distro will meet their needs perfectly. Web browsing, watching YouTube, checking e-mail, looking at pictures of cats on the internet…

    It’s special/professional use-cases that are still lackluster. Try doing professional level photo editing on Linux… It’s a nightmare. Integrating with corporate cloud solutions? Nah. Are these things doable? Absolutely. By the majority of users in that specific use-case? No.

    But day-to-day, general use PC stuff? Yeah, absolutely. Even gaming is more accessible than ever. There’s exactly one game in my Steam library that doesn’t just work… To be clear, it doesn’t work at all, but that’s just because of my hardware setup. (Halo Infinite + Intel ARC + Linux = Game can’t even launch. Worked fine with an AMD card, but when I upgraded late last year it borked. Known problem with Vulkan, DX12, and ARC)

  • There’s an explanation as to your ban on the post you linked. Mod makes it pretty clear it’s because of your attitude towards the mod team in discussion of the use of “female” to refer to a woman, not because of your use of the word itself.

    As everyone else was saying, you’re leaving out context which makes it hard to be on your side in this. Leaving out important context like this just makes you look bad.

  • Or a bad actor hoping to draw in vulnerable folks online for their scams, like children.

    More than one YouTube channel has been attacked by folks pretending to be them in the comments of their videos, scamming their viewers out of money. And no matter how obvious the scam seems, it always seems to catch a few people.

    I also know scams will often intentionally use poor grammar or misspell simple things, because they want to catch the kind of person who would overlook those things, like the very naive or the very old, because they’re more likely to get money out of those groups.

    Not saying botting on YouTube isn’t a thing, I just don’t think it’s as prevalent as one might initially think.

  • Ugh. Signal for me, as well. I love it, it was amazing, I was getting decent adoption across my friends and family… And then they removed SMS support and all that momentum got lost. It was the one thing I could leverage to get folks on board, and now it’s gone. Myself, one friend, and my father still use it despite the change. But I can’t get anyone to even look at it anymore.

  • r/assistance is a good starting place. There is also a subreddit dedicated to gofundme campaigns, r/GoFundMe. It may also be worth contacting the mods of r/Aww and r/Cats to see if they’ll allow the post. The worst they can do is say no.

    The biggest thing is to make sure to carefully read the rules of any subreddit you may post on to ensure you aren’t breaking any of them. If there’s any ambiguity or concern, reach out to the mods with questions first.

  • Then you should probably say “I can’t use Reddit” and explain like you did here, rather than “I won’t use Reddit” and shutting down people just trying to help, which is what your previous reply amounts to. Not trying to antagonize you here, but if you are looking for help from strangers being able and willing to accurately explain your situation is important.

    Now we can suggest solutions. Do you know anyone that would be willing to post to Reddit on your behalf? The only reason Reddit is coming across so strongly as a recommendation is because the website is still huge and there’s a large community of people who would be willing and able to help with this situation there.