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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • This is Microsoft, an American corporation, actively developing the things the Internet spazzes out about China probably doing. How happy this makes China? Buddy, imagine how happy this makes every marketing company in the world, your local police department, and your own government, all of which have a much more vested interest in everything you do on your computer and are considerably more of a threat to you than the ruling party of a country on the other side of the planet. Seriously, y’all need to get your fucking priorities in order. It’s borderline satire how fast your average Lemmy user slaps the China Panic button as soon as a privacy-related issue hits their front page.

  • I realize I’m biased having experienced this era at my most influential (as another user easily defined it as ages 12 - 22), but this was definitely it for me. I only had a Gameboy before I finally had a PS2. The big mascot character games of this console were formative for me. Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper. Kingdom Hearts and Shadow of the Colossus were everything to me. Tons of other huge titles made this generation.

    But it’s the weird little games that I think about fondly. Katamari became a franchise, but it was just a funny novel idea when it dropped on the PS2. Kya: Dark Lineage, an adventure/fighting game absolutely packed with fun ideas from a studio that just made racing games prior. Magic Pengel - basically DIY Pokemon - was pretty much everything I wanted in a game. Even Eye Toy, which completely sucked and barely worked, offered a new way to play games.

    Things were just different then. I think it was maybe the last time we thought of games by their budgets. Most titles were what we would maybe call AA these days, something that almost doesn’t exist anymore. Where indie games didn’t exist yet, but small studios were prolific. For me, any game that let you run around as a fairly detailed 3D character in a cool setting was magic to me in a way the flat, pixelated worlds on my GBC never were. The worlds in my PS2 were believable.

  • Returned to my beloved 3DS to play a fan translation of the Japan-only Rocket Slime 3. The translation itself is solid, though there are a bunch of text rendering issues. Nothing that ruins the experience. I loved the previous game and this one is a very similar experience, but I think I preferred the mecha fights of 2 over the pirate ship battles of 3.

    The gameplay balance is all over the place, unfortunately. Regular adventuring off-ship is dead easy and a little dull. The boss fights in particular are incredibly uninspired. But the ship battles wildly fluctuate in difficulty. Some I manage to Perfect without much challenge, others have me hanging on by a thread and landing me on the Game Over screen more than once.

    I’m on the last chapter of the main quest and will probably give up soon on trying to complete everything as I’ve read the final post-game gauntlet is absolute hell.

  • Not OP, but I recently beat P5R years after P5 vanilla. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it myself, but will try to elaborate a little without spoilers.

    I found myself mostly disagreeing with the Phantom Thieves in the new chapter and electively went through the “bad” ending first. I do like the story that was explored, however, and I think it was genuinely fascinating to see how the team approached their most complex dilemma yet. Ultimately, I appreciated what they were trying to do even if it felt a little trope-y at times. That said, the ending cutscene is leagues worse than vanilla’s and even kind of walks back some of what made the new story great.

    I’m currently playing Strikers and I’m unfortunately getting kind of bored with it after the second area. I was very impressed by how many of Persona 5’s systems translated to an action game so well, but now I’m feeling like I’ve already seen the extent of the gameplay and all that’s left is to repeat again and again and again until it’s over. The story is vaguely fun and the road trip framing is a wonderful follow up to P5’s ending. The writing is fine and the characters haven’t become flanderized quite yet despite being at about that point in the Persona spinoff cycle. But I kind of don’t care what the cast has to say about everything. Maybe that’s the problem of starting a big adventure with a full party. At every cutscene, there are at least 8 characters there to react to what’s happening, which holds up for about as long as one would expect. Considering skipping out on the rest and moving on to Tactica, since that’s way more my style of gameplay.