I can’t believe it’s not butter
I can’t believe it’s not butter
Yeah, makes perfect sense!
Sorry! I’ve only heard that title used in the context of software engineering gigs.
Exactly, not in software as in, not working for a software company.
😂 what!? I’ve worked with 11 engineering managers and they’ve all used emojis. You’re either not in software or you work for a bank/insurance.
Fresh green energy, straight from the orchard
Giving government money to muskrat companies is the scam.
Your devotion to keeping a moral compass is not as strong as it could be, Buddhism and Hinduism are mostly just a curiosity.
Warframe never had this level of bullshit. The ratio of cash:dev lead time wasn’t remotely close. I played Warframe for ages and their funding model very quickly crystalized into a very transparent and rewarding model. “Wanna support us? Buy skins, frame slots, gun slots, etc” their early funding didn’t even register as a blip on the radar when compared to the sheer millions of dollars dumped into SC just so they can deliver nothing close to their promise.
The “this is the present” schtick is nice and all but that exact same “niche” audience that’s waiting for sc is waiting in Eve online, for it’s true successor and are getting more and more disenfranchised. That money has a negative impact on me directly because those millions could have gone to a better place for gamer, instead of being in perpetual escrow In a tech-demo-game that is now filled by such zealots that any mention of refusal to accept this so called new dogshit status quo gets their Spidey Senses tingling the same way a Musk enthusiast rallies to defend him.
You care that the bloggers, influencers and convention staff are getting jobs to shovel this game, that’s cool, you’ve spent time in the industry and they’re maybe your people. I’m not going to put a gun to my own head and say that giving people jobs is a bad move in trying to counter this point.
All the stuff you’re talking about in your last paragraph, SC isn’t going to avoid any of it from where I’m standing. It’s either going to flame out on launch, or it’s going to be jam packed with the original whales that will grief beyond all measure.
I hope I’m fucking wrong about all this and I’m just a jaded lil bitch. I hope we get another NMS that is redeemed to that same degree. Until then, remember, no pre-orders.
The second half I don’t dispute, people play it and enjoy it. The first part though I’m not sure about for myself, I don’t think I can play SC, certainly not the SC I paid for god knows how long ago. I can play a tech demo right now, and that’s just not enough.
I hope I cream my pantaloons when SQ42 actually lands. Until then, SC as a whole is far from what’s been promised.
Reminder that starfield is playable and enjoyable, with decent performance and a complete game with a shitload of missions. Can Starfield be better? Yeah, and I think it probably will be with a bit if time. Is the space combat a little bit dogshit with really nice audio design? Yeah, it sure is. Is it actually out, playable, with boarding and ship building? Yep, sure seems like it.
I don’t even know why you threw this example out there for a single player game that’s pretty much what everyone expected from a AAA studio in the current “optimize every dev hour per dollar” bottom line focused game dev style.
I can tell you why I care. Maybe you don’t care but I’ll tell you anyway. Because this sort of bullshit people lap up blindly and let the industry set it as a new standard. Can we milk users for in-game ships for a game that doesn’t exist for a decade? Do I want that for the future of gaming? Pay now for the upcoming necromancer in the upcoming Diablo 6 that’s been in the making for 10 years! This funding model is predatory and the game is already primed to be soaked through with Eve-level of toxicity.
You should care. It’s your gaming too.
Before reeeeeee, note that I don’t attack anyone’s enjoyment of the “game”.
Hmm that could work 🤔