Estudante de Engenharia Informática apaixonado pela área; algures em Portugal.

Administrador da instância

Computer Science student, passionate about the field; somewhere in Portugal. instance administrator.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2021

  • tmpod@lemmy.pttoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldConfused about Podman
    1 month ago

    This is a good suggestion. Docker is more mature and has more resources, so it’s better to learn the ins and outs of containers. After getting comfortable with it, you can move to Podman and have a much better time tackling its peculiarities regarding permissions and rootless.

    I used Docker for years and only recently decided to give Podman a try, porting my Lemmy instance to it.

  • I’ve settled on Manjaro for this computer, and I’m pretty happy with it (I’ve stooped distro-hopping, I just don’t have the energy, nor the time to entertain that on my only laptop), though I’m considering changing to base Arch for my next one (which I hope is still 3 years or so in the future; this machine is only 4 yro still). Why? Because the version wait on Manjaro seems a bit arbitrary sometimes and that lag often doesn’t play nice with the AUR (which I love). Sometimes I think of switching to more esoteric distros, such as the neat Alpine (which I’ve been using on servers for a while) and reproducible NixOS, but then I question the day to day usability and pain points, which are quite relevant to me atm.

    Why do I like Manjaro though? I like the Arch made easier, the mhwd tools, the support forums (which I know people have mixed feelings on, but my experience has been nothing other than very pleasant).

    Feel free to discuss my points!

  • The pending subscription is a known thing. If you retract the subscription and then redo it, it should be good. If not, wait a bit and retry. You may have to reload the page so see the button change to “Subscribed”.

    Not sure about the other though. In my experience, purging and refetching a community will always fix it… :/

    I’ll pass this post to the admin Matrix chat (which you should join), since it’s important to have this kind of info publicly and readily available as well.

  • Possibly the first Pirates of the Caribbean. Dunno exactly how many times I’ve watched, but it’s close to 10. It’s such an iconic movie, with excellent scenarios, acting, and so revolutionary at the time.
    I’ve watched some older Pixar movies (from their golden age imo) a bunch of times, like Monsters Inc and Nemo, as well as the masterpiece Shrek 2 from DreamWorks.

  • This is an area of very much needed improvement.

    For users, you should use the completion popup. When you type an @ followed by a name it will suggest users matching that, and if you click on one it will fill out a mention with the link to their origin page.
    Give it a shot, try mentioning me in a reply!

    The issue with this is the link isn’t portable, meaning it may get you out of your home instance. The best way to link any user or community is to do /u/name@origininstance.tld (for users; /c/ for communities) instead of https://origininstance.tld/u/name. That way the link is relative (so no issue of moving away from your home) and it’s fully qualified (so no issue with name clashes between instances).

  • Awesome work!

    I’d like to know more about the exact container topology you have, since I may try something similar on my instance as well.
    Is it something like this?

    ┌───┐       ┌───┐
    │WEB│       │WEB│
    └─┬─┘       └─┬─┘
    ┌─┴─┐ ┌───┐ ┌─┴─┐
    │BE ├─┤IMG├─┤BE │
    └─┬─┘ ├───┤ └─┬─┘
      └───┤DB ├───┘  

    Thank you! :3