This is a great answer.
This is a great answer.
Slackware was my first real distro (many moons ago), glad to see people still enjoy it.
Nope, what happens is segmentation fault
I have Void running on my desktop, server, laptop, and media center. Then my NAS and router are running versions of FreeBSD (TrueNAS, Opnsense). Not really looking to change, so pretty happy overall.
Perhaps the solution is to figure out how to update without restarting. It is a hard problem, but a forced restart is the same as a crash from a user perspective.
I inject myself with beans every morning, usually French press
BusyBox + Linux = Linux
There are distros that don’t install man by default? Crazy.
I think that both ChromeOS and Android are Linux. They may not embody a free software mentality, but they are Linux.
I’ve been using Void Linux for my home server for a few years now. It uses runit instead of OpenRC, and I haven’t had any problems with it. I would recommend the glibc version over the musl version.
Got 1 VM using KVM (Home Assistant), about a dozen docker containers, and a couple of services running on their own.
C or C++, specifically with the use of compiler explorer so you can get a feel for how code actually runs.
Common Lisp or Haskell to get a taste of something really different.
I feel like that is what snaps are for, long running server applications.
Because less ports equals less cost.
I have liked onedev so far.
‘Discouraging the act of male masturbation quickly became a “major reason why doctors, educationists and childcare experts sought to introduce widespread circumcision.”’
This was the 1800s, and then after it was more of “this is just what we do now”.