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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The United States is the wealthiest country in the history of the world and yet somehow manages to have more people doing slave labor (incarcerations for minor nonviolent crimes), more children starving, more violent crime, and more homelessness than almost any other modernized western nation. That’s not the sign of a system that works, and it doesn’t work because despite being wealthy as a group, individually Americans are divided into haves and have nots. Those that have HAVE EVERYTHING and do ANYTHING to maintain the status quo by tricking a lot of the have nots, statistically have nots like you, into believing this is the natural order of the world.

    You are not a serf, you are not a slave, you are a human being deserving of a reasonable quality of life and so are the other 99% of Americans that are deprived of a respectful life because 1% of the people suck away wealth and vitality like vampires.

  • I was right in the edge of Gen Z and Millennial and grew up being the family’s tech kid. It still astounds me now that my younger sisters don’t know how to even look for solutions. They just get me. Having moved out I get texts and calls sometimes. I’ve had to explain that using a computer is a skill that is learnable. I didn’t learn by going to someone else. I had to learn how to learn. That’s the skill we should be teaching kids. Not how to solve the problems, but how to FIND the solution to problems.