Fascists, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes can fuck off.

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2022


  • Damn…this looks really good actually. I’m sad to day I never heard of cohost until now. But I’ll admit I just identify with the founder’s sentiments around the tech industry, and their strict adherence to moral values around how a platform like that should interact with their users. I wish their developers all the best in looking for new work.

  • Oh, I honestly didn’t remember that, and just put that in as an afterthought. Should have double checked myself. Thanks for the clarification.

    Well anyways. I love this subject enough to admit when I’m wrong. And also, in researching the subject more, I found that there is the Ladybird Browser which is apparently not based on Chromium nor Firefox. I have not played around with it, but it’s nice to see people still putting in effort to make a new browser engine.

    I also found this article where the author makes a browser based off of Matt Brubeck’s aforementioned article. Very interesting stuff.

  • Browsers are literally the best attempt at the everything app.

    There’s already been a lot of good answers on this. But a goody oldie article on making a browser is covered in Matt Brubeck’s 2014 article, Let’s Build A Browser Engine.

    If you want to see one of the most minimal source code for a terminal based browser that is still in use today, I recommend downloading the source code for the Links Browser. Note that this site is very old and doesn’t even use https. But the source code can still be had here.

    Browser software is super interesting, but there’s a lot even for a bare minimum setup like Links, so that’s more or less why most people don’t develop new ones from scratch anymore. Though there are a few exceptions like Servo, and Surf but they are pretty buggy tbh. Hope that helps and sparks your interest.

    EDIT: Also of interest is Tali Garsiel’s article, How Browsers Work. This is probably one of the best in depth articles on the subject.

  • This. Google is pushing MV3 to single out and neuter the more robust and customizable ad blockers, like uBO. They’re trying to appease their advertising investors by force feeding ads to you and they’re plugging the leaks/workarounds savvy developers have created to block them.

    If Firefox ever gets popular enough, what do you wanna bet money bags Google, their primary monetary contributor, will put a condition on the next round of funding that they stop support for MV2?

    Stay small and crazy customizable Firefox.

  • I’m a negative person. IRL and online. In certain circles I’m considered very positive. Usually I’m faking niceties for convenience or other reasons, but other times I do actually think of the current situation or subject matter positively. This latter situation is somewhat rare though.

    Here on Lemmy, I have my share of haters, mainly because I’m an agnostic, antinatalist, anarchist, antifascist. I can also get pretty misanthropic at times, and while I can indeed shut the fuck up, I sometimes don’t, and I can go oooonnnnn, sometimes pissing people off for my lack of brevity and conciseness, like with this very post.

    Generally speaking, I think being negative often lines up with the reality we live in. Sure there are small things to be positive about, but overall the situation for humanity as a whole is currently pretty bleak, and a lot of the control mechanisms by which positive change can be enacted is in the hands of a select few of the rich and powerful.

    The reason people post and oftentimes like negative posts, comments, discourse, etc. is because it validates and confirms their negative perspectives that oftentimes would cause them to be ostracized if they expressed them in other circles. I know that’s why I express many of my more controversial opinions here, and why I like to read various posts here on Lemmy daily. Most people here keep it real. And reality isn’t pretty right now, but at least I know I’m not the only one who sees it that way.

  • I’m far more concerned about the rise of Nazism and Monarchism in the USA. Even if we never have a Republican in any governing office again and the country continues to move further and further left, America has a lot of work to do to ensure these forms of tyrrany are never even considered as a viable alternative to Democracy.

    The fact that these forms of governance survive in the hearts and minds of people is an indicator of a larger and more complex societal failing that spans the entire history of America. This is not some strange short term flash in the pan of Nazism and Authoritarianism, it is an insidious and vile tradition passed down from generation to generation, and we have only staunched it’s slow cancerous growth by publicly shaming those who voice these views publicly. Obviously this has proven ineffective.

    I think a more important question than whether one particularly sad excuse for a sad sack of shit may run for president again, is how do we make sure the Trump dynasty, and all dynasties, fade into obscurity until the last remnants of their legacy is a footnote that indicates we lived in a time period when humans, due to many generations of hoisting up those with the most lust for power into positions of power, nearly destroyed themselves. How do we make that happen?

  • Honestly, reddit’s search engine is okay, but yeah it doesn’t get as exact as standard search engines because I think it prioritizes keywords from the post title over comments and also prioritizes most recent posts over subject relevance. That said, the old reddit posts are still going to be accessible via standard not google search engines.

    I’ll admit this is somewhat of a bandaid fix, as should reddit keep this deal with google going, eventually this workaround will prove less effective than it currently is.

    This workaround just gets you the newest posts related to your query, and otherwise, for older posts, the search term reddit in search engines is still superior. So I don’t know, it’s the best solution I can think of for now.

  • I’ve posted this elsewhere, but it bears repeating:

    Just use ddg bangs if you use Duckduckgo and you can search reddit directly.

    !reddit search term


    !r search term

    It still picks up latest posts related to reddit, it just searches reddit directly instead of searching Bing’s results. It’s that simple.

    You can even use a redirect extension like Libredirect in conjunction with this Duckduckgo feature to redirect your search to a privacy respecting frontend like redlib.