
  • Skull
    8 months ago

    It’s not the cheapness, it’s the lack of isolation. Many people buy shitty headphones that don’t isolate them from their surroundings, which means that you may need to turn up the volume to damaging levels to hear your music over the background noise.

    If you use them at home to listen to music, there’s basically no risk. If you use them in a crowded place, you’re going to damage your hearing.

    There are cheap earphones that do put effort into sealing off your ear. The better the seal, the lower the volume you need, the less you damage your hearing.

    Note that in ear/over ear doesn’t really matter here, it’s the fact that you need to boost the volume to drown out the background noise that’s the problem. Shitty over-ears will also cause damage if abused in the same way.