• Jordan Jenkins@lemmy.wizjenkins.com
    1 year ago

    The purpose of life is whatever you make it. Some people feel their purpose is to make as much money as they can, others to create art that will last for all time.

    There is no one purpose to life. There’s no cosmic point to it all, so we all just find out purpose.

    For me, my purpose is to find happiness. I suffer from depression so that’s my one goal. I find making people laugh makes me happy, so now I do a podcast where I make people laugh most of the time.

  • Deleted@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    1 year ago

    Biologically: To keep your DNA existing by procrating so that roughly half of you DNA live on in your children (I say roughly half since there are mutations and stuff)

    For Humanity: Develop technology, expand our presence by colonizing the solar system, the galaxy, and the universe.

    Religiously: To serve whatever diety or dieties you believe in.


    -Hedonism: Do whatever to be happy.

    -Nihilism: Nothing matters

    -Probably many more under the umbrella of philosophy, but these 2 are the main ones I remember

    That’s all is on the top of my mind. For me, the biological view on meaning of life is kinda shit. I don’t wanna deal with crying babies (eww… disguisting babies), I will never have children.

    Now the idea that Humanity will expand and we will become interstellar, thats kinda what I think the meaning of life is, I mean that more of on the society level, not personal. Well then personally, its probably Hedonism. One person like me ain’t gonna make any difference in humanity, I’ll just do whatever makes me happy. Thats my meaning of life.

      • Spzi@lemmy.click
        1 year ago

        These are similar questions, and both depend on perspective. Both suffer from the fact no obvious/objective perspective exists to answer them.