Just as the title asks I’ve noticed a very sharp increase in people just straight up not comprehending what they’re reading.

They’ll read it and despite all the information being there, if it’s even slightly out of line from the most straightforward sentence structure, they act like it’s complete gibberish or indecipherable.

Has anyone else noticed this? Because honestly it’s making me lose my fucking mind.

  • VaidenKelsier@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I am a documentation writer at my day job. I spend an obscene amount of time writing and rewriting support materials for our software to make sure the instructions are as clean as possible. The end users of the software are busy doctors and nurses so I get why they dont have time to read and just want quick answers from our support team. I get that.

    What I dont forgive is how many times the support team will complain to me that a scenario or a feature isnt in the documentation, despite me bolding, bullet listing, and highlighting THE EXACT THING THEY ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT. I usually relink it to them and screenshot the relevant section.

    People. Do. Not. Read.

    • sheogorath@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      THIS. I literally got called into an HR meeting because one of our clients threw a giant fit claiming a large, world ending, apocalyptic problem, because of an issue that I already reported on which is literally above his hissy fit message sent on a Sunday morning and he got mad because I replied on Monday at 9 AM literally sending him the screenshot of me reporting the problem to him.