I have asked this question to countless people (mostly in hair salons) as an alternative to small talk, and it always yields interesting results.


  • You get the money right now, right where you are. If it’s 10pm and you’re in the middle of nowhere, your money will still go poof at 11pm.
  • As a result of the above, tell us what time it is and roughly where you are (big city, desert, small town, …)
  • You must spend the money. You cannot give it to someone to hold on to it for you for a while.
  • Normal world rules apply, e.g. you cannot buy a $250k car at a dealership in 1h in cash, and you cannot buy a house in 1h either.
  • Remember that getting from where you are to the place you need to go takes time. Factor that in!
  • KittenBiscuits@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    A money counter can run though 100 bills in about 5 seconds. 100 bundles of $100 bills would be less than 10 minutes.

    • InternetUser2012@rammy.site
      1 year ago

      Lets say they do count 100 in five seconds. We don’t know what bills are in this million, and not many places are going to have money counters like that. It’s going to near impossible to have a million counted in that time. If someone shows up to buy something with a million in cash, it’s not going to be a quick process. You’ll need to fill out a form for the IRS for anything over 10k. You’re going to want to be damn sure they aren’t counterfeit, so you’re going to test each bill. That million will go poof way before it’s done being counted, if they don’t tell you to take it to the bank and bring them a cashiers check. Which brings up an interesting point, can we just take this money to the bank and turn it into a cashiers check? That could be a game changer.