For me “How long could I get away with driving like an ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE all the time before I lost my licence or had an accident.” Speed limits, red lights, stop signs… forget them all. Every day I have to drive sensibly and obey the law because without my licence I dont have a job, and every day I see at least one person driving like an absolute moron and I wonder…

    25 days ago

    How far can you strip down the human body until it can’t survive anymore. Assisted feeding and breathing is okay. Adjustable room temperature too.

    Arms, Legs? Gone. Can we get rid of the skin? Probably, if the room is the right temperature? Bones? Most of them aren’t needed, are they? Some organs surely can go too.

    Basically, what is the bare minimum needed so the body and the mind still more or less work.

      25 days ago

      For this you don’t need a human, Can start with monkeys.

      Disclaimer: I don’t want this experiment to happen.

            25 days ago

            “Landmine has taken my sight, taken my speech, taken my hearing…”

            I guess someone forgot to tell Metallica when they were writing the song that it wasn’t about a landmine.

            And I guess someone previously forgot to tell Dalton Trumbo when he wrote Johnny Got His Gun that it wasn’t an anti-war novel.

            And then they forgot to tell him again thirty-two years later when he directed the movie adaptation, Johnny Got His Gun.

            And then, worst of all, they forgot to tell the directors of the music video that “One” was anti-war and Johnny Got His Gun was about a landmine and that using scenes from the film in the music video wouldn’t be thematically appropriate.

            Damn, there were a lot of missteps! Good thing you set it all straight!

      24 days ago

      So, firstly, may I suggest you check youtube for one of the now many ‘Adventures of Torso’ type videos done in Kenshi.

      But as far as keeping a ‘minimum viable’ human actually alive?

      You could remove limbs, but you would still have to have a method for them to eat and urinate and deficate.

      You… almost certainly could not remove all skin and keep someone alive for very long.

      For starters, they’d bleed to death. Secondly, the pain of existing without skin would probably literally kill them or drive them to try to kill themselves. Thirdly: Skin prevents infections, you’d have to keep them in basically a totally hermetically sealed room or container.

      Bones? A de-boned human?

      Well there’s almost certainly not a way to remove all of your spinal bones and skull without causing death or immensely serious paralysis and/or brain damage.

      Sure you could remain alive without all your limbs if you have caretakers, you can survive without your lower jaw as well… You can maybe? survive with the loss of a certain high percentage of your ribcage, but probably not with the entirety of it and your sternum removed.

      Organs? Well, brain, heart and liver are almost certainly mandatory.

      Though you can remove portions of your liver and it can still function and regrow to some extent…

      …and portions of your brain… though you’ll lose cognitive abilities, memories and basically become braindead but still technically alive at some point.

      Assuming we are just removing things and maybe hooking you up to various kinds if life support tubes and not replacing organs with some kind of mechanical or genetically engineered equivalent:

      I think you can survive without any kidneys if you are constantly on dialysis, but its far better to have at least one.

      Similarly: Lungs, you need at least one.

      You can have your stomach and intestines and bladder partially removed or reshaped, but not entirely.

      You can survive without eyes… and a gallbladder and a thymus and a spleen and an appendix and your tonsils… and your adenoids, and your sex organs, but you’re gonna need a great deal of monitoring and bloodwork and hormone balancing and what not.

      25 days ago

      Hey! Somebody figured out the plot of the seminal sci-fi novel, “Don’t create the torment Nexus”!

      25 days ago

      Yo, same what I was gonna to comment.

      It would be fascinating to see if we could archive a “brain in a jar” by this.
      Even more when considering that a big bunch of non-brain neurons are in the belly-area. So would it affect how we think?