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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • i don’t think we should act like journalism was in a great place before.

    FB capitalized on a weakened industry, but it was the industry itself that was responsible for that state.

    they really fucked themselves by not transitioning to the new market, instead insisting that it was the customers that were wrong. all these years later, i’ve yet to see a news outlet that would be worth the subscription fee. they’re mostly recycling content from other, free sites anyway.

    once the older crowd passes, traditional news outlets are done for. the ones that remain will be the ones that were providing the content all along.

  • let’s not just reference it and move on.

    let’s show them doing it.

    and let’s explore what it is they were saying specifically. they believe that Mr. Rogers was a ‘evil, evil, man’, because he told young kids ‘everyone is special’.

    that’s what these evil, evil, people took issue with. a person on public television, not motivated by stacks of money, told some young kids they were worth something.

    i also want to point out that this is the man they called evil. a man who went before one of the most powerful governments in the world, and talked about what was important to him.

    in and of itself that’s not that unusual. people do it all the time. what made this time different is what was important to that person, and more specifically why it should be important to all of us.

  • simple misunderstanding. you see in the eyes of the court, he’s innocent until proven guilty. in the eyes of the police officer, there are no innocents, only suspects.

    my fave is when they hassle some normal person, and even after finding they did nothing wrong, or were guilty of no crimes, the police will refer to them as a suspect, like you see here.

    like they’ll run a search warrant or something and then say, well the person was suspected of having marijuana. did the person actually have anything? no. but he was suspected of it.

    pigs eat shit, and i can probably count on one hand the number of them i know that i would be sad if something happened to them. the overwhelming majority of them could suddenly cease to exist and the country would be a MUCH better place for it.

  • i’m 40 years old, and i’ve been working since i was 17.

    i have never had any sort of job that paid any sort of benefits. i simply get paid the money i earn from the jobs i do, and that’s it. i’ve never had any sort of insurance, etc. it’s kind of ridiculous. most of my jobs are contract positions. i can’t even remember the last time i worked for any sort of hourly wage.

  • really? i’ve been using SXM for over a decade. i’ve never seen a company that is so desperate to keep their customers. they’ll do pretty much anything you ask of them.

    tired of paying the bill? then don’t. they’ll cut it off after a few months. then they’ll call and be willing to forgive the past bill, cut you back on, and you probably won’t even have to pay it for another month or two.

    whenever whatever deal i’m on expires, i simply call them up and tell them i’m thinking about cancelling. they’ll usually offer something like service for $5 a month, if i’ll pay for 6 months at a time or something.

    i’ve never had even a hint of trouble with them in the last decade.